Friday, December 4, 2009

Have you ever known that feeling where like you are going to do the coolest thing but you have the jitters, butterflies in your stomach, and a weird kind of happiness that is kinda unusual. Well I just heard that the orchestra concert is Monday 6:00 and on top of that I'm having girl troubles theirs this girl that I think likes me and I'm still wondering if I like her shes cute but I don't know about it.
Tomorrow I'm going to ring the bell for salvation army with my dad. My cool sister is going to buy a dress tomorrow for her sweet 16 and their going to swing by to say hi and look around for what the girls call THE DRESS I don't under stand but what guy would know. For now I have to go wright another blog so by from, The Inventor

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, ooh, I have known that feeling. You do a great job of describing the jittery stomach feelings. I am totally with you on not getting THE DRESS thing and I'm a girl. I was forced to be a flower girl twice as a kid and hated it. It was the last time I ever wore a dress...

    Very cool blog, Inventor. Definitely worthy of subscribing to!
